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June 15, 2020



Dear Church Family: 


The Diaconate met on June 9, 2020, for its regular June meeting. One of the topics discussed was the next step for the church in regards to ReOpening the Church. After discussions it was decided that the Church would ReOpen on Sunday, June 21, 2020. Please see the schedule below. 


ReOpening of Our Church Building for Services


Sunday - June 21, 2020 

Sunday School: 10:00am

Morning Worship Service: 11:00am


Wednesday - June 24, 2020

Group Meetings 7:00pm


We will NOT have a Meal or Choir Practice 


This Element for our church ReOpening Process will begin on Sunday, June 21, 2020 with the Re-Opening of the church building for Sunday School and Morning Worship. These services will be on their traditional time schedule. Sunday School will be at 10:00am and our Morning Worship will be at 11:00am. 


Our Wednesday Evening Services will Re-Start on Wednesday, June 24, 2020We will not restart meals at this time. We will not restart our Choir Practices at this time. The Services on Wednesday Evenings will begin at 7:00pm. The Children and Youth will meet in their classes provided we have sufficient leaders to cover the classes. A further update will be shared. 


We are asking everyone to enter the church through the front (main) door of the Church Building. The Sanctuary will be marked off with the goal of maintaining 6’ Social Distancing. We will have Face Masks Available for those who do not have one and would like one. We will also have gloves available for those wishing to wear them. We have Clorox Wipes available in each bathroom and throughout the building. There is also antibiotic hand sanitizer throughout the building.


We do ask for your assistance in maintaining Social Distancing (6’ feet apart). Family members living in the same household are welcome to sit together. Please observe where pews are open and where they are taped off. We are only using half of each pew and alternating seating on opposite ends of the pews. 


Separation in the Sunday School Classes and the Wednesday Night Classes will be more of a challenge. However, we ask each one to be careful to maintain the appropriate distance as much as possible. 


If for any reason you are uncomfortable attending the services back in the building please do not feel compelled to attend. No one should attend that feels they are at undue risk or if they have underlying conditions that put them at greater risk.


If you are sick, feeling bad, or have been exposed to a person with COVID 19 please do not attend. If you have a temperature please do not attend. If you have had close contact with someone that has been diagnosed with COVID 19 and have not completed a 14 day Isolation period please do not attend. We are taking these steps as a precaution to keep everyone safe. 


Please note we will continue to post service videos on Facebook each Sunday and each Wednesday. If you are unable to attend please know these services are there for you to watch. Our goal is to make these Live Stream Services. We have not achieved that goal at this time but we are diligently working toward that goal. Either way we will have services on Facebook every week. 


Again please note the church will ReOpen starting Sunday, June 21, 2020. We will Restart our Wednesday night Group Meetings on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. Again if you for any reason you are uncomfortable attending please do not feel compelled to attend at this time. 



In Christ,

Your Church Diaconate 


As followers of Jesus Christ we profess a living faith. Our faith is rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ who is "the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Therefore, the sole authority for faith and practice is Jesus Christ whose will is revealed in the Holy Scriptures.




1581 Bethlehem Church Road
Youngsville, NC 27596

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